
Thankful November - Day 8

Happy Friday!!

My life did not turn out the way I dreamed it would. If I'd known 10 years ago about the coming trials and tough times...I would have cowered in fear of my future - and missed out on the vast blessings & lessons that came mingled with them.

Today, I am SO thankful that I did not get my way; that God's heart for me all along was to work through the trials & major decisions to strengthen me so that through my life others might see how faithful He is.

What are you thankful for today?

...for His glory!


  1. Lisha, thank you for your boldness and honesty. I'm so thankful for the Lord's goodness and mercy, working through our weaknesses and sinful nature to transform us into His treasured possession. The refining process is so painful, yet we emerge. He never gives us more than we can handle. He's doing a beautiful work in you! Blessings!

    1. Thanks for the encouragement :) I think sometimes He does give us more than we can handle to gently (or not so, in my stiff-necked case!) that it's His strength that we function in...but He never gives us more than He can bear, that's for sure. That's what I've come to rest in. He just bids me to cast my cares upon Him and yoke up alongside Him. What an amazing God.

      Thank you for sharing your heart and what God is teaching you, Keri! God is working through you and your blog :)
