
Daily Devotions for little hearts

Most mornings, Monday through Saturday, the girls and I set aside some time to learn about God, sing & dance to praise songs, and to pray for our day and for our friends & family.

If you've been thinking about doing something similar but don't know where to start, here's an overview of what's working for our family now. I hope it will encourage you to find what works in your home!

First, I read a lesson from whichever devotional book we happen to be reading, or a passage from Scripture. Right now, the older girls & I are reading through Leading Little Ones to God 2-3 times a week (I HIGHLY recommend this for children, probably up through age 10. It presents basic doctrine in a way that is understandable and engaging. My daughters look forward to these lessons!

Hannah listens in on the lesson and whatever the morning's Bible reading is, as well, and then I read a page from her book. Right now, we're reading 101 Favorite Stories from the Bible - excellent for toddlers & preschoolers. The stories are short (less than a page), well-illustrated, include a couple of easy comprehension questions for each story, and most importantly they are scripturally accurate. The big girls enjoy going back through this book (we read it together in 2009) and it's been a great refresher for them.

With the Bible reading, I read directly from my Bible - a passage that goes along with the big girls' lesson. I read from the New King James Version or the King James Version and then I explain any of the unfamiliar words or expressions so the girls understand what's being said.

After our readings, we go over our memory verse of the week (if we have one - most weeks we do). We read the verse together out loud once or twice, then I ask if anyone would like to try it by herself). Then I ask each of the girls in turn to list a song or two that they'd like to sing. Anything that honors Jesus is fair game.

In our home, we feel that sharing different genres of music with our daughters is not only okay, but important, so they know that there are many different ways to praise God in song. Personally, I prefer more acoustic-style artists (Shane & Shane, Phil Wickham, Bethany Dillon...), but Will enjoys the Christian rap and techno artists (Trip Lee, Andy Hunter, etc).

Elizabeth's favorite: Robot {Trip Lee}

Abby's favorite: Forgiven {Sanctus Real}

Hannah's favorite: Captured {The Digital Age}

We share traditional hymns, classical music, acoustic, hip-hop, rock, etc with the girls. As long as the message is clearly meant to lift up Jesus, it works. However, we understand and appreciate that some families have come to a different conclusion about music - so while I still think music is an important part of worship (the Psalms make it clear that we are to praise the Lord with instruments and song!) - your own conviction about the styles of music should help you choose the music that works best in your home.

Here is the playlist that we tend to draw from most mornings:
Your Great Name (Natalie Grant)
Though You Slay Me (Shane & Shane)
To Live Is Christ (Trip Lee)
Easter Song (Keith Green)
songs from Sing the Word: A New Commandment CD (the Harrow Family)
The Shout of El-Shaddai (Paul Wilbur)
Names of God (Laurell Hubick)
All the Poor and Powerless (The Digital Age)
A Mighty Fortress is Our God (the Chris Rice version)
All Creatures of Our God & King (the Passion version)
Manifesto (The City Harmonic)
The Revelation Song (Jesus Culture)
Strong Tower (Kutless)

Once we take some time to sing and dance, we pray. I have no requirements for prayer time except that the girls have an attitude of reverence. Their posture and what they say is not nearly as important to me as their hearts being focused on speaking with and listening to the Lord. I have a kneeler, a dancer, and a fidget-er. Their prayers range from "thank You, Jesus for this day!" to in-depth prayers for their friends and for people they know.

I've found that the best way to teach prayer is to let them hear me pray, and then give them the chance to pray out loud, too. Often. When we are having a crummy morning (it happens!), I pray and then invite them to as well. When I see a prayer request pop up on FB or a call comes in, we stop and each take turns praying. Before we do Elizabeth's cecostomy flush each morning, she hears me pray over her. The more often they hear Will & I and others pray, the more they see that it's vital; the more they pray, the more likely they are to develop the reflex of prayer first in all situations!

We do recite the Lord's prayer (KJV) at least 2-3 times a week. Not because reciting it gains any extra favor with the Lord, but because it is a precious reminder of the mindset we should have when we approach the throne of grace! That the Lord is holy, and to pray for His will, and to ask for His provision, pardon, & protection, and that we confess that He is the Almighty!

All in all, we spend about 30 minutes to 1 hour each morning with our "Bible Time". It's a sweet time for all of us. And honestly, some mornings it doesn't happen that way. It's had to wait until lunch time before, or just before bed. But I try to work it into our mornings, even if other parts of our morning have to be ditched. My desire is that they will, over the next few years, begin to have their own quiet time each morning with the Lord as well as our devotion time. In order to do that, I need to take these precious days to model what it looks like. Even in the seasons when I'm struggling with my own walk.

Do you have a daily devotion time with your children? When? What books and other resources do you use? (And do you have a recommendation for young girls who are 8ish? When E turns 8, I'd like to put aside some time each day to begin a Bible study just with her, and I'd love any suggestions!)

Learning about the Lord with my littles,
for His glory!

I may be sharing this post at these amazing link-up parties!
If this post has inspired, blessed, or encouraged you, please comment, pin it, or share!


  1. This is a wonderful description of your bible time with your kids! I try to have a scheduled bible time with my kids, but it's usually very sporadic. And the only thing we use, is the bible. I agree with you about the children hearing us pray. They learn so much from us when they hear us, and others, pray! I've noticed my kids mimicking my husband or I during their own prayers. One of my children has a harder time praying, so I'll talk with him about what he's wanting to pray about. Having him verbalize it with me first, helps put his prayers into his own words. I typically just ask a few questions and then tell him, "just tell that to God" Thanks for sharing this! :)

    1. I have a child who is a little more hesitant to pray, too. I think that's a great idea for encouragement - I'll have to try that. I tend to lean more toward the 'don't make them if they don't want to' but I'd like her to at least try every now and again.

      I've gone through various times when all I've used is the Bible, as well, and it's a beautiful thing. This spring, we had a couple of really difficult circumstances in our home and all I could do was reading the Psalms to them. I would just have them sit with me and we would find the Psalms that matched our feelings, and read them out loud! :) Psalm 13 was one we read together often.

      I am so thankful you stopped by, Caroline, and even more so that I've found your blog. Such a blessing!
      ~Lisha :)

  2. Wow, that sounds amazing. We're still so far from this, especially with the ages of our kids. Inevitably, my 2 or 1 year old screech at some point or ask questions about random topics while we're trying to have Bible time. It's a challenge some days, but worth it.

    1. It is worth it! When Hannah was a toddler, I'd often try to do Bible time while she was resting/napping, or while the girls were eating lunch (so she'd be quiet because she was busy stuffing her face!)...but be encouraged, Gabby! The time will come when you'll be able to read a little more. :) But the Lord just asks you to be faithful to teach them about Him however you can right now, in this stage. Which means love and cuddles and sharing verses & songs and caring for them! :)

      I'm so thankful you've stopped by! Have a sweet day!

  3. What a great thing to do with your kids! And what a powerful example you are setting for them! (love the playlist! some of my favorites!) Thanks for linking up!

    1. Years ago, I read Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp, and had the revelation that I'm not just taking care of kids and their needs but God has called me to draw on His wisdom to shepherd these little ones who are my younger sisters in the Lord - to guide them and share life with them and teach them about how awesome He is. It flipped my parenting style upside down. God has done such a work in that area of my life and He's doing even greater things in them!

      Many of those songs are dear favorites of mine, too. I also love the Glory Revealed CDs and try to listen to those once in a while, too. :)

      Thanks for your kind words! I hope you have a sweet day, Amy!

  4. Thank you that you have shared this, I know it can help so many people get started and keep going. Makes me wish I was a grandmother already as I would have a head start with this, but then I can bookmark it and read it again.

    1. You are very welcome, Sandra! I am blessed that this is an encouragement to you :)


  5. These are great! I love that you included your play list! :)

    1. Thank you, Jenny :) I'm blessed that you stopped by!


  6. This is great! I am trying to be more consistent about daily devotions with my daughter. I will have to check out some of the books you mentioned. Thanks for linking up!

    1. Thanks, Jenni! Thankful that you're encouraged by the books!

      ~Lisha :)

  7. Lisha, this is encouraging and inspiring to many people. Your commitment to helping your children grow in their faith is great to see.
    Thanks for linking up at Essential Fridays. Blessings.
    Mel from Essential Thing Devotions

    1. Your comments are always so sweet! It was really the book Shepherding a Child's Heart that awakened me to the necessity of being intentional about reaching my daughter's hearts with the gospel and not just assuming they'd pick it up from watching my (stellar?! I don't know what I was thinking) example.

      I look forward to catching up on your posts from the past few days tomorrow!
      ~Lisha :)

  8. Lisha,
    I loved reading about your sweet Bible Time with your girls. What a great thing you are doing, getting the Word into their hearts and minds and making Jesus famous to them.

    Thanks again for linking up with Living in the Word over at Managing Your Blessings today. Sharing your encouragement with other moms is such a blessings and an encouragement!

    Blessings to you,
    Megan Spires

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Megan - God has been so faithful to answer my prayers to send the resources, wisdom, and Titus 2 ladies into my life to help me teach the girls. Shepherding a Child's Heart (Tedd Tripp) was pivotal in my realization that actively sharing the Word was necessary!

      My heart has been lifted up by your blog and the link up. Thank you!

  9. Hey Lisha,
    What a great way to teach your children scripture. I love Forgiven also. Thanks so much for sharing with Adorned From Above’s Link Party.
    Have a great week.
    Debi and Charly @ Adorned From Above

    1. Thank you! Yes, Forgiven gets played very often around here! :)

      Happy Sunday!
      ~Lisha :)

  10. Powerful!! Powerful!! keep it up, and it will bear much fruit. I'm still not a big fan of harder music as it draws them to ever harder and harder stuff, but if the lord is leading you that way, I am OK with it. God bless you all :) OH, and THANK YOU for sharing at Deep Roots...keep that up, too :0

    1. Thank you for the encouragement, Jacqueline! My oldest is almost 8, and I get glimpses of the work He is doing in her heart - deep and wondrous things! - and so even on the rough days He bids me to keep teaching, keep training, keep building them up :)

      Thank you for being willing to host the link up each week - I it is such a blessing :)

  11. Featuring at Family Fun Friday!

    1. Thank you, Monica! It was such a sweet encouragement to read this, praying that this post will be used by the Lord to build up other moms :)

