I, Allysha, take you, William, to be my wedded husband. In all circumstances, I promise to love and serve you, to obey you, to be a "helper suitable" for you, to be your constant companion, and to always show you with my actions as well as tell you with my words that you are the most important person in my life besides the Lord Jesus. I look forward to our life together in Christ and to the joy of building a Christian home with you. I will be your faithful and loving wife and I will continually praise God for you, your love and friendship until the Lord calls me home.
I love you, Will. The path that the Lord marked out for us has not been an easy road, but I would go through every single moment again with you so His Name would be magnified. Happy anniversary!
Entreat me not to leave you,
or to turn back from following after you;
for wherever you go, I will go;
and wherever you lodge, I will lodge;
your people shall be my people,
and your God, my God.
Where you die, I will die,
and there will I be buried.
The LORD do so to me, and more also,
if anything but death parts you and me.
[Ruth 1:16-17]
May our life together be spent solely for His glory!
P.S. ...you're still hot.
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