
The 30 Day Song Challenge

Updated daily for the next thirty days! Why not?

February 23: day 01 - your favorite song - Be Thou My Vision (traditional hymn)
Besides just being an awesome hymn, it's the song I walked up the aisle to when I got married, and it's the song I sing to my girls whenever I tuck them in at night. 

February 24: day 02 - your least favorite song - Dominic the Italian Christmas Donkey
This song is the reason I can't listen to radio stations that play Christmas songs 24/7 during December. Ugh.

February 25: day 03 - a song that makes you happy - I'm Not Who I Was (Brandon Heath)
This song makes me happy for 2 reasons: 1) this song came out the summer after Elizabeth was born, and it's such a mellow tune that Elizabeth loved to listen to it, and she especially loved it when Will would sing it to her. So, there are sweet memories. 2) The message of the song brings joy. I'm not who I was. I have been made new in Christ. My heart, my mind, and my lifestyle are so radically different than what they used to be - my life's mission is not to attain perfection and make everybody love me because I'm awesome, but to magnify God and live in His love. It's an awesome change, and it's only by the hand of a mighty and sovereign God

February 26: day 04 - a song that makes you sad - Glory Baby (Watermark)
This song was written after Nate & Christy Nockels (who make up the group Watermark) lost 2 of their babies. I...it is a hard song to listen to.

February 27: day 05 - a song that reminds you of someone - I Hope You Dance (LeeAnn Womack)
For our reception, we asked Will's mom and my dad to surprise us and pick the songs for the father/daughter and mother/son dance. We didn't know what they picked until we started to dance with them. Daddy picked this song, and every time I hear it, it brings back a flood of sweet memories of that day and also of just being my Dad's little girl.

February 28: day 06 - a song that reminds you of somewhere - On Bended Knee (Boyz II Men)
This song (as well as many other jewels from the mid-90s!) reminds me of JRMS. Specifically, the cafeteria. That's where the dances were. And middle school dances were a pretty big deal. Someone always ended up being dumped, or started going out, or got really angry and ended up crying in the bathroom...

March 01: day 07 - a song that reminds you of a certain event - God Bless the USA (Lee Greenwood)
I have shed more tears to this tune then any other. Fall Rally & Spring Conference alwayssss ended with this song.
I love my FCCLA days. ...I think I'm going to go cry now. Tears of sweet nostalgia.

and I'm proud to be an American, where at least I know I'm free
and I won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me
and I'll gladly stand UP!!! next to you and defend her still today
'cause there ain't no doubt, I love this land...
God bless the USA :D

March 02: day 08 - a song that you know all the words to - We Didn't Start the Fire (Billy Joel)
I've known of this song for a long time because we owned the Storm Front CD when I was growing up. I committed this song to the long-term memory portion of my brain during AP US History in 11th grade, once I realized we were only going to make it up to the Vietnam era before the exam and thus we'd be missing out on about 3 decades of American history in class. It didn't help a lick on the exam, but I still enjoy listening to (and singing along with) this song. It's one of the only things I remember about AP US. That, and 'A Midwive's Tale." ...and 'this is KEY.'

March 03: day 09 - a song that you can dance to - Moondance (Van Morrison)
See, there's this boy that I love. A lot. His name is Will Hunter, and I happened to be married to him. This is our song.

March 04: day 10 - a song that makes you fall asleep - Variations on Canon (arr. George Winston)
We played this CD for the girls every night while they drifted off to sleep for probably 2 years. It's so soothing. And since our apartment is small enough, we fell asleep to these songs as well. Variations on Canon is my favorite song on the album!

March 05: day 11 - a song from your favorite band - Remedy (DavidCrowder*Band)
This is one of DC*B's songs I could listen to on repeat for a long time. What a sweet reminder that Jesus is the only remedy for our broken hearts & lives!

March 06: day 12 - a song from a band you hate - 
Okay, okay. I am not posting a song today, because if it's by a band I hate, I wouldn't want you listening to it! :P I don't have just one song that comes to mind in this category because there are so many bands I will not listen to because their music reflects a lifestyle that is an abomination to the Lord. I don't need to expose these bands or their lyrics - they do a pretty open job of it themselves.

March 07: day 13 - a song that is a guilty pleasure - One Week (BNL)
I listen to this song once in a while just to see if I remember all the words, like "chickety-china". One of my favorite birthday memories is the year when my parents got Will, Bren, Bobby and I tickets to see BNL live (best concert, ever. They put on an amazing show!). I used to own all of their CDs and know all of the songs; I don't anymore, but this song was one of my very, very favorites. This and "this is how it ends," which would have been my other choice for this catagory.

March 08: day 14 - a song that no one would expect you to love - Closer to Fine (Indigo Girls)
I don't agree with many of the lyrics, but everything else about this song is great. The ladies sound amazing together. I love that it's just two guitars and their voices. It's in my vocal range, so I can sing and it doesn't sound terrible. The tune is catchy. I listen to this song only when I'm driving to PA and it's 3am, I'm trying to stay awake, and I need a song I can sing loudly with while the windows are open. (Yes. We leave for PA around 1AM usually, because then the girls sleep the whole time.)

March 09: day 15 - a song that describes you - Unashamed (Starfield)
I'm so thankful that, because of Jesus' obedience and sacrifice, all of the mistakes I've ever made (lying. cheating. stealing. hating. holding grudges. etc.) have been washed away and forgiven by God. Even though I'm unworthy of God's attention or love, He has bestowed both upon me because of Jesus, and I can come to Him unashamed of who I am or what I've done.

March 10: day 16 - a song that you used to love but now hate - You Oughtta Know (Alanis Morrissette)
I don't so much hate this song as I just can't believe I ever listened to it. It's such an angry song. Jagged Little Pill (the CD this song was on) was in my CD player so often, and really I should have been listening to something a little more upbeat!

March 11: day 17 - a song that you hear often on the radio - Lead Me (Sanctus Real)
KLOVE plays this song often. Which is not a bad thing, because it's an AMAZING song!

March 12: day 18 - a song that you wish you heard on the radio - New Reality (Lecrae ft. Chinua Hawk)
The world would be infinitely more awesome if everyone listened to the lyrics of this song!!

March 13: day 19 - a song from your favorite album - Live Out Loud (Steven Curtis Chapman)
"Declaration" was released in 2001ish, just about the time I was being drawn to following Jesus. My friend Erin gave me a copy of this CD and the more I listened to it, read my Bible, and went to youth group, I realized that I needed to dedicate my life to living for Christ alone. All the songs on this album are powerful!

March 14: day 20 - a song that you listen to when you’re angry - Shut Me Out (Kutless)
This is the song I will turn up as loud as I can (as long as there aren't any little ones in the car with me), roll down the windows, and sing loudly with. And since it's about sharing the gospel...it helps me to refocus on what's important and get over myself and whatever has made me react in anger!

March 15: day 21 - a song that you listen to when you’re happy - Foreverandever Etc (DavidCrowder*Band)
David Crowder uses large, fun vocabulary words in his songs - like indelible (look it up at www.merriam-webster.com), belligerent, inebriating, etc. And not only that - he rhymes them. He also uses plays on the English language, like in the song 'Wholly Yours' [God is 'wholly holy' - zing!] Couple that with an awesome anime-inspired music video about a world takeover by angry squirrels, and this song can't not make you happy.

March 16: day 22 - a song that you listen to when you’re sad - I'm Not Alright (Sanctus Real)
This is the song that I listened to quite a few times during and after we said good-bye to our third child! It's a reminder to me that I was never alright to begin with, and that all these broken times I have and will go through draw me closer and closer to God :)

March 17: day 23 - a song that you want to play at your wedding - I Will Be Here (Steven Curtis Chapman)
Um. Since I've been married for almost 7 years now (!!!), I picked a song that was played at our wedding! This was the song that Will & I danced to for our first dance. [Aaaaawww.] It's kind of a big deal, and an awesome commitment, to promise to stick with someone 'til death parts you! This song reflected that sentiment and that promise. We meant it. You are stuck to me for life, William C. Hunter

March 18: day 24 - a song that you want to play at your funeral - Show Me Your Glory (Third Day) & Great Is The Lord (Starfield)
This may get you thinking "wow, that's kind of morbid!" but the first time I heard either of these songs, I remember thinking that I would love to have these played at my celebration of life service whenever God calls me home! Of course, I can share them with people now. So I will. But they'll be shared after I'm gone, too!

when death becomes the end of all my labors / and Christ alone, my rest and my reward / may all I've done be one enduring echo / resounding on to shout 'great is the Lord'! :D

March 19: day 25 - a song that makes you laugh - Conan (EleventySeven)
Conan, can't you see? / You're the one for me! / Conan, don't you know / you're my late night TV hero!
...it's an ode to Conan O'Brien. It's funny.

March 20: day 26 - a song that you can play on an instrument - You're A Mean One, Mr. Grinch (from Dr. Seuss' 'How the Grinch Stole Christmas')
...on the clarinet!

March 21: day 27 - a song that you wish you could play - Easter Song (Keith Green)
I have always wanted to be able to play the piano with both hands, at the same time; it is just not a talent God has blessed me with! But if I had that ability - I'd love to learn this song so I could share it with others! 

March 22: day 28 - a song that makes you feel guilty - Give Me Your Eyes (Brandon Heath)
I don't mean guilty in the condemnation sense; guilty like "why haven't I wanted to share in other peoples' troubles and minister the love and hope of Jesus Christ to them?" Oh, Lord...let me love people the way that You have called me to! Let me see suffering and pain through Your eyes and reach out to those who hurt! 

March 23: day 29 - a song from your childhood - Jambalaya (On The Bayou) - Hank Williams Sr.
This song reminds me of Christmastime. Great-Aunty Fran loved this song, and I have memories of her singing this at the family Christmas party when I was younger! Other songs considered for today: "The End of the Line" (Traveling Wilburys), "Living on a Prayer" (Bon Jovi), and "Oh, I Just Can't Wait to be King!" (Lion King). :)

March 24: day 30 - your favorite song at this time last year - How He Loves (DavidCrowder*Band)
I don't really know what to say about this song, except that I cried the first time I heard it on the radio, and the first time my daughters starting singing it all by themselves.

And we are His portion, and He is our prize! / Drawn to redemption by the grace in His eyes / if His grace is an ocean, we're all sinking!! / And heaven meets earth like an unforeseen kiss / and my heart turns violently inside of my chest! / I don't have time to maintain these regrets when I think about the way / He loves us!!! / Oh, how He loves us!!! / Oh, how He loves us!!! / Oh, how He loves us...

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